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01.09.02 | 5:39 p.m.
Yay! The cycle is almost broken!

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Yay! I got out of the house today! I was feeling better once I got a call from *the company* that I really want a job at... they want me to come in for an interview!!! I am so excited about the position... basically, the sales people would go out into the field and call directly on new home builders, and then bring the blue prints back to me and I would design the cabinets. Yep... that's what I want, considering I have been doing just that for a year and a half! And NO MORE COMMISSIONS!!!! That's the best part.

So after I got the phone call, I got off my ass and started doing laundry and cleaned out the chest of drawers and reorganized them. Then I payed a visit to the Crackhaus where I partook of a very funny movie, and then I went to the grocery store. Seems like a small feat, I know. But I have been suffering from a mild case of agoraphobia since Shelby left. I haven't gone anywhere, unless Slippy was with me. Pathetic. But I feel great, because even if I don't get this job, I will get another! :)

Well, I think I need to go do something... maybe I'll scrub the bathroom... it needs it!


Happy Chodagirl

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