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01.20.02 | 9:03 p.m.
How can I stay mad at the world's best guy?

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I am dying to know why Slippy and I can't have one whole good day. Why is it that we have to fight at least once. Yeah sure, sometimes we get over our tiffs quickly, but what I wouldn't give to have a tiffless day. He didn't get up until after 5pm today and it's only 9pm now, and so far we have fought already- several times I might add, over pointless stupid shit. One of is always bitching about something, and then the other makes some rude sarcastic comment that is always way out of line.

I'm tired of it. I just want smiles and higs and kisses.


I am stuck in Shelby's room on the computer because he needs his computer for graphics. He just came in and ever so sweetly asked me to log into Yahoo messenger. Why, I asked. (Now imagine Slippy with puppy dog eyes and his lip stuck out...) In a sweet sappy voice he says: "So I can talk to you since we aren't in the same room." And then he turns on the web cam so I can see him too!

How can I stay mad at him? How?

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