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03.13.02 | 1:03 p.m.

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Crap. Crappity Crap Crap Crap.

Okay, now that that is out... my life is hectic right now. I am stranded at home with no car and I have not been able to get online in a few days. I have been going out of my mind with out my Diaryland lovies!

I took my car into the shop this morning. For anyone familiar with DFW, I live around SMU in Central Dallas and had to take my car all the way to North Richland Hills near Ft. Worth. It sucked too, because they tore my car apart, told me what the problem was, and then told me to get a rental. So I walked down the road to rent a car. This was all on my insurance, so no prob, right? Wrong. They wouldn't give me a rental car because I didn't have a credit card to put the deposit on! My dad had already agreed to pay it over the phone, but the car rental people were assholes and said that the card had to be in their hands! So, I walked out and stood by the side of the building and cried... I had no idea how to get home because Slippy had already said he couldn't leave work! I walked back down the road to the dealership where my car is, and begged for a ride in the courtesy van. Well, the courtesy van only travels in a 15 mile radius. I needed to go to Irving to Slippy's office... more than 15 miles away. I was desperate looking and sporting a tear-streaked face, and I guess they felt sorry for me. Some guy got the head managers 2002 Durango and took me to Irving. From there, Slippy was able to break away and bring me home. Needless to say, I was glad to get home. I have to admit I was a touch scared when I couldn't find a ride. I thought I was going to have to check in at the run-down, roach infested, crack-deals-goin'-down Budget Inn on the corner. Luckily, I will be no one's bitch tonight! :)

Good news though... I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon! It is for an admin asst position, and I really could care less how much it pays. It is Mon-Fri, 8-5 and is close to home. I'll take it... if they give it to me. Who knows. I am starting to think I just suck.

So anyway... there's my update. There could be so much more, but I really don't want to bore everyone to tears. Besides... "my show" is on. Yes, okay! Sue me! I watch Days of Our Lives. So there.

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