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06.01.02 | 7:03 p.m.

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Okay... I'm sure this theory exists elsewhere, but I happened to find it in a movie. I don't really care who thinks I am a dork for pulling this from a deleted scene in a movie, but it's fun... play along!


Imagine a desert. Now imagine a cube in the desert. What is the cube made of? How big is it? What position is it in? Be sure to use the answer that pops into your head first!

Now, imagine a ladder. What is the ladder made of? Where is the ladder in relation to the cube?

Now, imagine a pony. Where is the pony in relation to the cube?


Now to interpret your answers. This is all insight, so there are no wrong or right answers. But, the cube represents you. What you imagine it made of and it's size says things about you. let's say you imagined a large cube made of steel. Maybe you have a big ego but still have walls built up around you. That's just an example. Like I said... it's all interpretation. Now, the ladder represents your friends. If the ladder is made of something different, it may mean that you prefer friends that are different from you... if it is the same material, you may find comfort in people who are the same. The relation of the ladder and the cube tells how you feel about your relationships with your friends. Is the ladder leaning on the cube or is it away from the cube? And the pony... the pony is your current lover. I think this one is pretty self explanitory. How close was the pony from the cube?

Slippy imagined a medium sized cube made of steel that was stanting on one point. The ladder was made of wood and was leaning against the cube. The pony was on top of the cube. Hmmmm.... female superior. :)

I imagined a medium sized cube made of iron that was staning on one tip. The ladder was quite a ways from the cube, but the pony was standing on top of it. My cube was a different color on each side. I wonder what that means?

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