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06.05.02 | 12:11 a.m.
Pet Psychics?

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Dear Animal Planet,

You are such a well respected and educational television channel. You have so many wonderful shows, such as Crocodile Hunter and Emergency Vets. My five year old daughter will watch nothing but your network. But I have to say, I have lost a lot of respect for you.

You see, last night, my husband and I were browsing the channels, and we ran across your network. You were airing a show called "Pet Psychic." We watched in utter amazement as a woman helped grieving pet owners communicate with their dead pets. She was giving them "comfort" in knowing that their once living pets were happy in the spirit world. She did this by looking at a photo of the ex-pet. No candles, no dark room, no Ouija board... just a mere photograph. Were we to actually believe that she was communicating with dead animals? She named no specific events that pertained to the once living animal's lives. Just that they were happy and that they "send their love from the spirit world."

Please. Who actually believes this crap?

So, my husband and I watched, and laughed, and asked the million dollar question:

"Why isn't this show on Comedy Central?"

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