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06.16.02 | 8:00 p.m.

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Have you ever tried to look back on your life to figure out where it went wrong? Where did I take a wrong turn? What did I do to fuck things up so badly?

You never can penpoint one thing... it's usually a string of events. Like getting all my credit cards and maxing them out, or screwing up my college education when I had a shot at a good university. Maybe it was when I decided to quit the job I love and move to Dallas. Who knows. I do know that things are so screwed up I am afraid I cannot work them all out again. Am I destined to work meanial jobs and scrape by for the rest of my life, or will there come a time that I am comfortable with who I am and what I do? Will there come a time that I can pay the bills and still have money left over for the luxury itmes?

There are no guarantees. You don't hit a certain age and magically have money. I have no problems working for what I get... in fact, I cannot imagine it being any other way. And I also know that the problems I face will be make me stronger. It's just hard to deal with now...

And now is all I have.

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