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07.20.02 | 10:31 p.m.
It's all over now

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The only thing constant in life is change.

All things change... and people change, especially when they make a major life change as I have. Moving has changed my outlook on life, my sense of family, and my priorities. My move has also changed my relationships in life... I am closer to my daughter and parents, and distant from my friends. People that once were happy by my phone calls now seem annoyed by them. People that I once thought would be constant now seem sketchy to me. It's hard to deal with, but acceptance is the key to dealing with change.

I realize that in a lot of ways, my move was a huge mistake. My heart breaks when I cannot reach my husband, or when he hurries to get off the phone with me. My heart breaks again when I feel he is covering something up, or hiding something, or making excuses as to why he has not joined me in New York. And it all may be my imagination... but it breaks my heart all the same.

And so, I have left a major part of me behind in Texas. The irresponsible girl who loved to have a bunch of people over all the time. The girl who liked to party. The girl who would stay up all night with her husband playing video games. I am now simply referred to as "mommy" and I wouldn't have it any other way.

And my next major change is leaving this diary behind. It has been a part of me for over a year. It tells a tale of my life, as I have seen it. It has not been very interesting, but it has been mine all the same. I have lost interest... as I have with so many other things I once found entertaining.

So, on that note... I bid you all goodbye.

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