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09.27.02 | 10:15 p.m.
Brain Scans

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Well, just a quick update before bed...

I went to see the doctor yesterday for a check-up regarding all the weird stuff that was happening, and he wants me to go in for a CT Scan of my head to check for an aneurysm. At first, I thought it was rediculous, but tonight I found a website from a research college in Georgia that was dedicated to Aneurysm and AVM Support, and it was frightening. I found a forum on this website where people with aneurysms told their stories, and each one was like mine! Every symptom they describe, I have! I decided not to fuck around with this and go have the CT Scan after all. I wasn't going to go because I didn't want to "waste" the money. I was going to wait until I could get health insurance. But I realized tonight that I don't have time to wait. I have to get this done ASAP. So I will keep my appointment for Wednesday... October 2. Four days before my birthday. Hopefully I won't be having brain surgery on my 25th birthday.

Wish me luck... I have a feeling I might just need it.

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