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12.02.02 | 6:27 p.m.
It must be a record!

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Holy shit! Two entries in one day! It's been a while since I did that!

It's 14 degrees outside, and it's still snowing. It has been snowing almost non-stop since Thanksgiving! I can walk outside and see four foot tall snowbanks. It's weird... and butt-fucking cold! It's going to get below zero tonight. This is definately not a Texas winter! And it's still fall!

I fell tonight going to my car. Like a dumbass, I didn't bother to put on my snowboots when I went to get cigarettes. I got all the way out to my car, and that's when I fell. It was like slow motion, too. And when I finally hit the ground, my left leg was straight out infront of me, and my right leg was bent and tucked under me. It was real graceful, let me tell you! I hope no one saw!

I have been called to sub at the school again tomorrow. I will be subbing Kindergarten, which is cool because I can spend the day with my daughter! She is excited that mommy will be there all day. She wants me to sit and eat lunch with her, too. I had better cherish this because one day she won't want me around. Maybe I will get lucky and she will never be embarassed by me. Wishful thinking.

Well, I suppose I will go find something constructive to do... like watch my mother put out her enormous amount of Christmas decorations. Agh.

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