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01.18.03 | 4:46 p.m.
Yeah Yeah... here I am!

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Okay... I am cold. It was -23 this morning. That is the coldest I have ever seen. Being raised in the South doesn't afford too much experience with sub-zero weather. So the solution? Stay inside by the fire. It works for me. Slippy wasn't so lucky... he had to work today.

I am planning Baby Girl's Birthday party. It is a week from today... she will be 6! She is having a Harry Potter theme party, and I am busy making "potions." So far, I have made "Bloodworms" (cooked spaghetti and red food coloring), "Hollow Stump Water" (corn syrup, rice, water and coffee), "Beatle Eyes" (whole allspice), and "Sleeping Potion" (green food coloring and water) I put all of these in old glass jars my mom had... they look pretty neat, and I am about to make lables for them. How exciting...

Slippy and I are looking at an apartment here. We are so ready to move out. I don't think I can handle living here much longer! My parents are driving us ape-shit! But the apartment is a 2 bedroom, which should be enough. I just want to go one day without hearing my name hollered across the house, only to be followed by, "Do you think you could--- insert task here---?" I could conceivably go a whole day without even hearing my name if we moved out! Slippy only calls me "baby" of "honey" and baby Girl only calls me "Mommy." How wonderful that would be! Of course, I would have to unplug the phone, because my mom would no doubt call!

I have a couple of pictures to post... be on the look out!

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