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08.14.03 | 10:01 p.m.
State of Emergency

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What a night! I got home from work, and almost immediately there was an ambulance call. It was an older man who was having trouble breathing. I flew out of the driveway on the way to the scene. I got there, and we were taking care of the patient when dispatch came on over the radio with an announcement. The governor of New York had declared a state of emergency due to the power outages. The Ambulance Corps and Fire Department were to go on standby. After my current run was over, I went on standby, and shortly after was called to rescue a man with a torn tendon on Snowy Mountain! I handled that call, and while we were down on that call, another call came in! It was just chaotic. Everyone was running around talking about the power outage, screaming it was terrorism. The last thing you need while all this is going on is a bunch of hysterical people jumping to conclusions. The power is back on here in town, although I believe it is still out in NYC.

Needless to say, I am exhausted. It was thrilling and invigoraing though. I love knowing that my help makes a difference.

This little Choda is off to bed. Sweet dreams Diaryland!

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