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08.18.03 | 12:06 a.m.
Captain Bizarro

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

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Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

I just had the most bizarre conversation. I know it's long, but its worth the read. I hope I talk this person again someday. It was a truely enlightening experience. Read on:

lhebreo: hi,

choda_girl_69: hello

lhebreo: o hi

lhebreo: where are you writing frm ?

choda_girl_69: NY

lhebreo: for real ?

choda_girl_69: yes

lhebreo: great

choda_girl_69: is that strange?


lhebreo: just coincidental,

lhebreo: spooky

lhebreo: almost

choda_girl_69: why is that?

lhebreo: hey thats where i am also

lhebreo: on long island

choda_girl_69: I was just generalizing

choda_girl_69: I am in upstate NY

lhebreo: since when do you generalize

choda_girl_69: all my life

choda_girl_69: we are in a friggin NY chat room... a lot of people in this rooma re from NY!

lhebreo: wow

lhebreo: im beginnin to suspect

lhebreo: you are right

lhebreo: still in al the time i have known you...

lhebreo: never have you generalized

choda_girl_69: profound

lhebreo: generalization and now this ?

choda_girl_69: see ya

lhebreo: ademas ?

choda_girl_69: what?

lhebreo: more to follow ?

lhebreo: tell me what does choda mean

lhebreo: please?

choda_girl_69: its froma movie

lhebreo: not star wars tho

choda_girl_69: where the fuck are you from?

lhebreo: new york

lhebreo: brooklyn

choda_girl_69: lived there all your life?

lhebreo: southamptn now

lhebreo: no there have been several other places

choda_girl_69: where were you born?

lhebreo: new york hospital apparently

choda_girl_69: apparently?

choda_girl_69: is it not clear?

lhebreo: well one can only believe what they say,

choda_girl_69: I never believe what I say

lhebreo: so you are wise

choda_girl_69: no... I am a smart ass

choda_girl_69: there is a difference

lhebreo: well it is nice to have in evenly distributed

choda_girl_69: I was just wondering where you from because your English sucks ass

lhebreo: ha

choda_girl_69: funny?

lhebreo: so that is the meanin of choda

lhebreo: sweet choda !

choda_girl_69: nope... it means "to fuck"

lhebreo: i see

lhebreo: its hard to accomplish both at once

choda_girl_69: both of what?

choda_girl_69: I can multi-task

lhebreo: swell

choda_girl_69: do you like this?

choda_girl_69: is this, in your opinion, a good conversation?

lhebreo: its not bothing me

choda_girl_69: good

lhebreo: you seem reasonable

choda_girl_69: I am, really

lhebreo: lets celebrate

lhebreo: this is cause

choda_girl_69: what are we celebrating?

lhebreo: you being reasonable

lhebreo: and my improving english

choda_girl_69: LOL

lhebreo: watelse?

lhebreo: tell me more

lhebreo: whats your angle

choda_girl_69: acute

lhebreo: wow

lhebreo: points

lhebreo: for that

lhebreo: you are becoming quite witty

choda_girl_69: look silly man, I am always witty

lhebreo: tell tell

lhebreo: you are a choda of many talents

choda_girl_69: you have no idea


lhebreo: i only just now

lhebreo: realized

lhebreo: how much i do not knoe yet

lhebreo: about you

choda_girl_69: of course you don't... I haven't divulged a damn thing

choda_girl_69: so

choda_girl_69: ask me a question

lhebreo: yes well

lhebreo: are you a doctor ?

lhebreo: allergic to anything ?

lhebreo: favorite fruit ?

choda_girl_69: I am not a doctor

choda_girl_69: I am allergic to anti-inflamatories

choda_girl_69: and I love apples

lhebreo: ah

lhebreo: pectin

choda_girl_69: mmmm

choda_girl_69: pectin

lhebreo: golden deliciious is best

choda_girl_69: blech

choda_girl_69: granny smith

choda_girl_69: with salt

lhebreo: no way dude

choda_girl_69: yes way man

choda_girl_69: yummy

lhebreo: well

lhebreo: we can coexist peacefully

choda_girl_69: I thought we were right now

lhebreo: u wont steal my apples

choda_girl_69: is that what they call them these days?

choda_girl_69: heh

lhebreo: whoa

lhebreo: chodas

lhebreo: frisky choda

choda_girl_69: so... my turn

lhebreo: ok

lhebreo: i likr cherries

choda_girl_69: enough on the fruit

lhebreo: im ambidextrous

lhebreo: also

lhebreo: im suspicious of people with tatoos or that wear mostly black

choda_girl_69: well, so much for me

choda_girl_69: I am doomed to hell

lhebreo: hell in the kitchen

lhebreo: and heaven in bed

choda_girl_69: ahh

lhebreo: its better for my health

choda_girl_69: what is?

lhebreo: your bad cookin

lhebreo: and good nookin

choda_girl_69: where do you get this shit?

choda_girl_69: I am a awesome cook, thank you

lhebreo: it aint from chodas mouth

choda_girl_69: now my mouth

choda_girl_69: what about my mouth?

lhebreo: im wondrin

choda_girl_69: I bet

lhebreo: is it symmetrical ?

choda_girl_69: perfectly

lhebreo: how many teeth u got

lhebreo: do you even know ?

choda_girl_69: 5

choda_girl_69: what the fuck is that?

lhebreo: five but on each side

choda_girl_69: how many do you have?

lhebreo: i have more than you but dont want to rub it in

lhebreo: its not important

lhebreo: what is your ambition ?

choda_girl_69: I have all of my teeth, and they are perfectly straight and WHITE as fuck

lhebreo: white as fuck

lhebreo: i see,

choda_girl_69: my ambition?

lhebreo: are you close to the canadian border ?

choda_girl_69: about two hours

choda_girl_69: can I call you Random Rambo?

lhebreo: i noticed that expletives move towards the end of sentences as one travels north

lhebreo: its not one of my screennames

choda_girl_69: fuck, I never noticed!

lhebreo: or as the say yup there..

lhebreo: i never noticed, fuck

choda_girl_69: GOD... you crack me UP!

lhebreo: fuck that sucks,

lhebreo: that sucks fuck

lhebreo: etc

choda_girl_69: do you still want to know my ambition, or not?

lhebreo: na

lhebreo: its not important

choda_girl_69: that's what everyone tell me

lhebreo: as long as your tooth is straight

choda_girl_69: 5

choda_girl_69: dammit

choda_girl_69: get it right

choda_girl_69: geez

lhebreo: hate to miss

lhebreo: so ok

lhebreo: ambition

choda_girl_69: to become the first woman president and have this conversation used against me in my campaign

lhebreo: ah

lhebreo: well i can be pres first

lhebreo: and then the way will be paved

choda_girl_69: do you think I need taht?

choda_girl_69: er, that?

lhebreo: anything for choda

choda_girl_69: yeah

lhebreo: its a noble cause

lhebreo: getting you in office

choda_girl_69: choda! choda! choda!

choda_girl_69: do you like birds?

lhebreo: yup

choda_girl_69: good man

lhebreo: i live in a bird anctuary

lhebreo: actually

lhebreo: 300 species

choda_girl_69: impressive

choda_girl_69: I have a tatoo you know

lhebreo: brackish water, go fig

choda_girl_69: I wear a lot of black

choda_girl_69: I have a penis tatooed on my forehead

lhebreo: wow

lhebreo: thatrs kewl

choda_girl_69: it hurt like hell, I'll tell ya

lhebreo: can we be seen in pubic together ?

choda_girl_69: did you mean to leave the "L" out?

lhebreo: oo

lhebreo: heavens,

lhebreo: freudian slip ?

lhebreo: or shud say sip...

lhebreo: owell,

choda_girl_69: owl

choda_girl_69: hoo hoo

choda_girl_69: birds again

lhebreo: ya

lhebreo: one lives by my window

choda_girl_69: do you pet it?

choda_girl_69: I would

lhebreo: i can introduce you

choda_girl_69: I am Snow White

lhebreo: awesome

choda_girl_69: animals love me

lhebreo: where do i sign yup

lhebreo: wow just think

lhebreo: with animals lovin you

lhebreo: and me being powered by god directly

lhebreo: we can really take over

choda_girl_69: I agree

choda_girl_69: let's do it

lhebreo: lets pray first

lhebreo: then do it

choda_girl_69: I don't pray

lhebreo: oh you will pray,

lhebreo: or burn in hell

choda_girl_69: I am in hell now

choda_girl_69: I'm not worried

lhebreo: o thats rite

lhebreo: so is that penis burning

choda_girl_69: is yours?

choda_girl_69: mine's fine

lhebreo: mines bigger

choda_girl_69: I hope so

lhebreo: thats all i know tahts all i know

lhebreo: so wanna be friends

choda_girl_69: that's enough to know all right

choda_girl_69: friends?

choda_girl_69: take over the world friends?

lhebreo: sure

choda_girl_69: ok

lhebreo: i mean ynot

lhebreo: u can come pet my bird(S)

choda_girl_69: I have a bird too

choda_girl_69: she's a shit

lhebreo: kool bring it

choda_girl_69: ok

choda_girl_69: bird orgy

lhebreo: feathers burn quick

lhebreo: did u wax them ?

choda_girl_69: no, I shave

choda_girl_69: OH....

lhebreo: think i should carboload bfore goin to bed?

choda_girl_69: the feathers

choda_girl_69: what the hell is that

lhebreo: you are so sweet

choda_girl_69: *explicative in the middle*

lhebreo: sweet sour and spicy

choda_girl_69: don't forget bitter

lhebreo: explicative wow

lhebreo: im intimidated

choda_girl_69: not by little ole me

lhebreo: are u playin demure

choda_girl_69: no... Black and White

lhebreo: so whats your game

lhebreo: u work at walmart ?

choda_girl_69: I jsut told you

lhebreo: fess up

choda_girl_69: we don't even have a Wal-Mart!

lhebreo: ouch

lhebreo: chew tobacco ?

choda_girl_69: I live in BFE

choda_girl_69: no, I smoke it

lhebreo: BFE

lhebreo: so are u hot

lhebreo: 5 teeth pretty nice

lhebreo: etc

choda_girl_69: does it matter?

choda_girl_69: we are going to take over the world

lhebreo: now thats a facile response

lhebreo: i mean after we rule the world

lhebreo: does it matte r?

choda_girl_69: I can take over the world and still be butt ugly

lhebreo: ha

lhebreo: yea but then you will be beautiful

choda_girl_69: it that right?

lhebreo: and witty

lhebreo: well lets just start off slow

lhebreo: bein buddies

choda_girl_69: sounds good

lhebreo: fuck buddies !

choda_girl_69: HA

choda_girl_69: you funny man

choda_girl_69: you are a man, right?

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