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08.19.03 | 10:15 p.m.
Lobster Choda

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I am tired... so tired. And sunburned. I am an official lobster. I just got back from taking Baby Girl and her friend to the Great Escape. For my southern buddies... Six Flags. (same company) We went into Splash Water Kingdom first at 11:00 am and didn't leave until 3:00pm to go do the rest of the park [rides, games, etc.] My pale, Scotch-Irish ass spent 6 hours in the sun, and four of them were in water! I slathered on SPF 30 every thirty minutes to an hour and i still feel deep-fried!

We had a blast though. Baby Girl wanted to spend the whole day in the wave pool. I did manage to get her outof the wave pool to take a few relaxing rides on the Lazy River. I can live without the rest of the park though. I hate roller-coasters. I hate rides that spin, fly, twirl, loop, levitate... I hate rides. So I stood around and watched while some guy followed me around and stared at my boobs. I finally lost the creep while standing in line for a ride. He came up to me and started talking to me. I was polite, and responded, and then he started touching my shoulder and obviously staring at my chest! I told him what to do and where to do it, if you know what I mean. Creepy people. They are everywhere.

So, I am off to bed. The sun just has a way of sucking the life out of you. Tomorrow will be worse. Tomorrow I will be in pain and unable to move. Tomorrow, when I lift my arm, the skin on my back will crack and fall off. I will cry and curse the sun. And this weekend, we are hitting the other water park... Enchanted Forest!

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