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04.16.04 | 8:03 a.m.
Toodas are taking over the house!

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Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

These damn cats are driving me apeshit! Don't get me wrong, I love them to death... but what was I thinking when I aquired my third cat?!? I'm sure three cats doens't sound like a lot, but you have to understand that my house is small. Really small.

Widget (the kitten) is into everything! He is about 8 weeks old now, and it's only appropriate that he would be into everything. I don't blame him... he's exploring his world. I do, however, blame myself for leaving the half-full (yes, I'm a half-full kinda girl) Diet Coke on the table. And I do blame myself for leaving the toilet lid up... kitten rescue is so much fun. Thank God I was home! And I also blame myself for not having a bedroom door. Every night, I crawl into bed, and I cuddle up with my insane amount of pillows, and I start drifting to sleep when... POUNCE! There's Widget. He then proceeds to run full-boar the length and width of my queen bed. I can hear those little claws on my precious comforter. Ok well, it's not so precious anymore since Slippy decided to take a sword to it last year... but still. It's the only one I have, unless you count my daughter's old Winnie the Pooh quilt. (It's actually quite cute, and I have thought about using it!) *silly me*

Voodoo has taken over the house. He's enormous. Seriously. He's one of the largest cats I have ever seen, and he's not at all overweight. I was measuring him the other day and comparing him to Yoshi (fine, I admit... I have no life) and he's just huge! Yoshi is almost 4 now, and he's through growing. But Voodoo is 8 months old, and prolly still has a lot of growing to do. I cannot imagine. My friends say he must be part panther. He's really that big. When he walks across the carpet, you can hear his footsteps. My other cats (and all previous cats I have had- which is about 40- seriously) walk so gingerly. I put cruel bells around their necks so I can hear them coming. Voodoo does not need a bell. You can hear his massive feet on the carpet... and what makes it worse, is tht he drags them when he walks. I suppose he's too damn lazy to really pick them up. Or maybe they are too heavy. Hell, I don't know. But he's a massive cat.

The shower beckons me. *Choda~~Choooodaaa~~ Come to me* Yeah right. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night. Damn that HBO documentary on hookers.

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