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01.16.02 | 10:12 a.m.
I'm a sad mommy today

Little Abby
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Okay... here is a little background info on my little one. My daughter is obsessed with the musical "Cats." She knows all the songs by heart, and I cannot tell you how many times she has seen it. We own the VHS, the DVD and the soundtrack! Well, I just got a phone call from her (she is still in New York with my parents, for those who don't know) and she was SO excited. My parents are taking her to see Cats, live on stage. It is part of her birthday present. (She will be 5 this month.) She is completely freaking out! I can't remember the last time she was this excited over something. I just wish I was going to be the one to take her :(

Then she told me about her dream she had last night. She said that she dreamed she was in the grocery store back home in Dallas with me and Slippy (Daddy) and we were pushing her in the cart. We stopped to get some macaroni and we walked away. There was a police officer who was getting macaroni too, and she asked him where we were. She found us, we payed, and then we left and left her in the cart!

I was so upset by her dream! I told her that Daddy and I would never ever ever leave her, and that she was only visiting New York! I'm scared that she thinks she's not going to get to come home! She then told me that she missed me and Slippy. It was so sad! What's going on in that little head of hers? Now I feel guilty for letting her go back up there, but that's what she wanted, not me. I didn't want her to back.


What's a mom to do? I wish I could leave right now and drive up there and get her... but then she would miss Cats! This is going to be hard... I have to wait until March to get her back! Damn.... that's a long time.

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