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01.30.02 | 11:17 a.m.
Eternal Optimism and Ferret Shit

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

See what Care Bear you are.

Is this a load of horseshit or what? Eternal optimist my ass... TranceJen's Slambook asks: "The glass is..." My response? "It's broken and I'm bleeding." It's true. That's why I'm drinking from a plastic glass right now.

I am still waiting on my supposed job to call and tell me when to start. I guess I will get up in the morning and go look for another job. This one obviously is not going to go through. Maybe they decided not to hire me because they didn't like one of my answers on my 30 PAGE application. Maybe I sent subliminal messages of death and destruction. Maybe they just suck. Who knows... last Friday they "freaked out" because they realized I didn't have a desk or computer, so they ordered them for me. I hope the order goes well for them. I am still waiting on a new bed comforter my mom ordered me for Christmas!

I called about that fucking comforter this morning as a matter of fact. It shipped this morning and could take up to two weeks to get here. Christ. I will have changed decorating themes by the time it gets here!

I talked to my little one this morning. I told her I wanted to get ferrets. She thought I was saying parrots. We had a slight communication breakdown. She kept asking if they would be able to talk, and I told her they would sorta squeak. She was upset because they were supposed to talk. Then we got our shit straight and got on the same level. Oh! Ferrets! Yeah, baby girl. All the while I can hear my mom in the background saying, "Ferrets bite! They have sharp teeth! They smell like shit! You can't even take care of a guinea pig! Ferrets smell like shit!" You would have to know my mom to really appreciate this. So my daughter says "Ferrets smell bad mommy!" I said, "How do you know? You thought I was talking about a bird!"

Heh. Kids. Gotta love em.

Well, thanks to all who signed my Slambook last night. It was funny. However, either Trance only opted to sign two questions, or her entry didn't go through right. Don't tease me like that! :)

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