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02.01.02 | 11:15 a.m.
Way to bored to think

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Total boredom. Yup. I'm bored. I just transferred handwriiten recipies my mom gave me years ago into my recipie book. Did I cut and paste them? No. I handwrote all of them. Bored.

It appears that my old job is coming through for me as they promised when I quit. We agreed that if I finished out my open jobs, I would still get my commissions. All this time I figured they would flake out on me. I went up there yesterday to get my W2, and they had a check for me! And I can call on Monday to get the rest of my money! This is all good news because now I don't have to pawn off all my shit to pay this month's bills. It's really weird, too, because it seems like Slippy and I have weird luck with money. We fret and worry because we are coming up short, and then money comes from an unexpected source. It always happens. Either some check comes in the mail for something, or a holiday or birthday comes up... always something. This time it's my old job. And we have our taxes to file still too. I'm sure our luck is about to run out... we have just had it way too good lately! :)

Well, I don't know what I'm gonna go do, but I am way too bored to sit here. I want to get out of the house. It's a beautiful day here in Dallas... I want to go enjoy it!

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