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02.22.02 | 1:26 p.m.
Cat Woes

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I kinda want this cat to leave. She(?) is quite annoying, but in a weird way. She sleeps all the time really, but in inconvenient places. Last night we had company over and she was asleep in one of the chairs in the living room. We needed it. I went to pick her up and she bit me! It hurt, dammit. But we gave her a nice long bath last night. Shampooed her twice, she was so oily. She does look a lot better now, and the wetness prompted her to lick the rest of body that we couldn't get. So that was good, I guess.

I dunno... I am just very apathetic. I guess I am trying not to get attached. We named her Mitzu, and call her Mitz or Mitzi. I guess we shouldn't have named her yet.

She was in the wondow today, meowing like she wanted out. I picked her up and took her to the door. I opened the door and set her down in front of it... she went out. She prowled around and I stayed with her. I went back in and started closing the door, and she looked scared. I think she thought I was getting rid of her, maybe like her last people did. So I left the door cracked and she played for a little bit and then came back in and layed down.

Shit. I was hoping she would walk away... maybe go back home. We can't really afford her, but I cannot and will not "dump" her off. I'm afraid she has heart worms. ::sigh:: I guess I just need to somehow come up with the money to afford this...

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