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02.23.02 | 7:51 p.m.
New Pup

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

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Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Well, out with the cat, in with the puppy!

We got a puppy today. She is half lab and half border collie. She is solid black with a little tuft of white on her chest. She is the sweetest dog I have ever met!

A neighbor of mine I have never even met came and knocked on my backdoor today and asked if I wanted a puppy. They needed to get rid of it ASAP! I said yes. My bleeding heart. I didn't want it off at some animal shelter to possibly get killed or get adopted by some family that wouldn't give a shit! So we took her, and after much deliberating, I named her Hailey. She is so damn loyal already. Slippy and I took her to the pet store and bought her food and chew toys. We even bought her dried pig hearts and a dried bull dick. Yup, you read right... a bull dick. They are called Bully Sticks. Heh. Cute. But she loves it... And boy does Slippy love this dog! It is SO cute! :)

My only problem is breaking her of a very nasty habit.... she seems to have a liking for cat shit, which I have heard is common in dogs. But she keeps dragging Yoshi's turds all over the house! I actually caught her with one today, so I was able to scold her. She hasn't gone back after them since! Yuck.

I will post a picture of the little darling later tonight or tomorrow. Check back. And, by the way, I have a notify list on my guestbook (near the bottom) if anyone is interested!

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