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02.24.02 | 8:56 p.m.
People should keep their goddamned mouths shut... or at least keep their fingers off the keyboard

Little Abby
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I feel the need to address an entry in my guestbook"

Dear "Cat Lover,"

I am sorry you were offended by my latest entry. You apparently think I "dumped" this cat off, or as you so sweetly put it, "let it out into the street." Well, if you had read my entry correctly, you would understand that the cat asked to go out. I never "asked" it or forced it out of my house. We were prepared to keep the cat... we even gave it a fucking name! Was I supposed to have a mental breakdown because this "stop-over" cat decided to leave?

Some cats do not like to live indoors. Here's a shocker for you... they actually like it outside! This cat used us for what we were... a temporary resting place. It needed a few good meals (which we provided) and warm place to sleep (which we provided) and attention (which we also provided). We even cleaned it up! I was prepared to go the store the next day to buy supplies for it. Should you feel the need to know which suplies I was planning to provide, just e-mail me... I'll be happy to let you know. However e-mailing me might just reveal your identity, which I noticed you were too chickenshit put in my guestbook.

So maybe you should reconsider your position on this matter in which your opinion doesn't count anyway. Animals in my house shouldn't matter to you. But then again you are probably some raging animal rights lunatic. Well, sure, animals have rights! I firmly believe that... that said, I feel that the cat had the right to leave my house if she wanted to... and she did.


I am a cat lover too!

Okay, so maybe I went a little balistic, but I don't really give a shit. This person was too chickenshit to say "Hey, my name is **** and I think what you did sucks!" No, they have to go and criticize me for getting another pet... like it's any of their fucking business anyway! Jesus. People have some nerve. Yes, I am putting time, money and energy into this puppy. Unlike the stray cat, this puppy has no sense of direction. In only 24 hours, it has developed loyalty to us. It is fed, loved, walked and loved some more. Fuck you and your opinions.... I don't need anonymous criticism from insignificant fucks.

So there.

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