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03.05.02 | 8:59 a.m.
The Doctor is in

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Suck Ass Poems

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Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Okay, this is going to be a slight change of pace for me, but last night, Slippy and I were watching a wonderful show on PBS. It was Dr. Wayne Dyer, (raise your hand if you have heard of him) He gives the most amazing talks and seminars, and his books are well worth the read. One of the things I like most about him is that, although he seems to be a very religous man, he recognizes everyone else's right not to be. He doesn't stand up and talk about how you have to be "one with God" before his material will work for you. I respect that.

Anyway, on to what I was going to tell you. In this show last night, he was talking about his 10 Steps to Success and Inner Peace. I won't go into all 10, and I have also paraphrased what the show was about... that way I can say it here and it is my interpretation, not a copyright infringement! :)

1. "Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing."- This was probaly my favorite one. It simply states that you must have an open mind to all things, and not be dependent on others/things to make you happy. As he said in one of his previous books I read, your emotions and feeling are all dependent on you. It is incorrect to tell someone: "You make me angry." No, you have made yourself angry!

2. "You get out of the universe what you put into it."- You must have love inide you (for yourself) before you can give love to others.

3. "There are NO justified resentments."- Let go. Let it all go. You should send blame out of your life, because it only hurts you. You have to take responsibility for your actions, instead of blaming others. You should believe that you are in (most situations) the situations you are in because of your own actions. Respond to hate with love. Eliminating blame means we give ourselves power to change our situation instead of waiting for someone else.

4. "Embrace silence."- Meditate.

5. "Give up your personal history."- Understand and embrace your past- accept that you had to go through what you have been through in order to get where you are today. If you don't have a "story" you don't have to live up to it. The wake of your life does not determine your future.

6. "You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it."- Simply change your mind about things. Admit when you have been wrong, as in "I have been doing things in the past that aren't working." Change it.

7. "Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you."- When you are having a disempowering thought, shift it into something positive.

Is this all a little New Age for you? You don't have to be religous, or anti-religion to follow these. You don't even have to follow all of them. But I just hope maybe one of these makes a difference for someone. I think we all have to realize our uniqueness, and embrace that. We are always going to come up against obstacles in life, and we are always going to encounter opposition. The key is to use these to your advantage, and become a stonger person for it.

Until next time, Dr. Choda has left the building...

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