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03.06.02 | 12:05 a.m.
Be nice to your receps

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Well, fuck me, I got a lot of hits yesterday. 210 to be exact. Thanks for the banner ads, Andrew! :)

Today was mentally exhausting. I am so sick of worrying about this damn job thing. Tomorrow, I hit the retail outlets. I do not have time to sit around and wait on a cooshy office job. I do not have that luxury... I am too poor to be able sit in a nice big chair on my ass and design all day. And since there appear to be no design jobs available at the present time, I cannot afford to wait on even a receptionist (*ick*) job to roll by.

I was a receptionist once. I am not knocking receptionists at all! It is not an easy job. You are the office shit-person for one thing. You get little or no respect, because, you are just the recptionist. You get attitude from people calling in who, once you tell them the party they are calling is not available, say shit like, "Well, maybe you can help me... well, no... you are just the receptionist." Fuck that! So please, next time you call a business, and the receptionist answers the phone. Be nice... it will make their day. For real.

Okay... that was my rant for the day. I seem to be having a lot of rants lately. Maybe it's all the stress. I have a made a pact with myself tho... I will take my Zoloft every damn day without fail! and I will take a multi-vit. I will walk the dog daily and watch what I eat. I should be able to get mentally and physically healthy this way... should be being the key word here.

It is late and I must sleep. Goodnight diaryland. Good night new readers.... I am so glad you are here. Just don't forget to come back.

And for anyone interested... Japonica (over there on the left) is also me. It is a beautiful layout... check it out! :)

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