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03.20.02 | 8:44 a.m.
My little one is headed home!

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Okay. It was time to get the "pissy" entry off... time for a happy update! My daughter comes home today! How much happier can that be?!?

As some of you know, she has been in New York state since right after Christmas. She has been staying with my parents for the winter, and she has had a wonderful time, but she is so ready to come home. And Slippy and I are ready for her to get here. It has been a long trip for her... they left on Saturday morning and went to Williamsburg, VA and stayed there two nights. Then they got up on Monday and drove to Macon, GA to spend two nights with my cousin and her new baby. They supposedly left Georgia at 5am today and were headed to Dallas. I expect them to be in late tonight, as it is quite a long drive from Georgia to Dallas.

Yay! Happy! I am so excited. I need to clean today and get the house ready. My parents know I'm sorta slobbish, but I still want the house nice and clean so I don't have to hear any criticism.

I have become an eBay junkie. Well, I already was one, but I listed a bunch of crap yesterday. We are selling the Playstation and all the games, and I have a nice oriental rug for sale, and some other miscellaneous shit. It will bring in a nice little wad of cash, considering I have had a great response already!

Well, I am off to clean! Later!

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