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03.22.02 | 11:15 p.m.

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

It's been a busy couple of days! My little one came home on Wednesday night... it was so wonderful! God I missed her. She was glad to be home and to finally get to meet her new puppy.

It's been kind of tornadic around here since her arrival. She brought with her an entire Jeep full of shit. I really don't know how it all got back to Texas in the Jeep. It was piled so high that there was no way my dad could have seen out the rear-view mirror! But we got it all in the house and unloaded. There are toys piled everywhere. Our apartment is way too small to hold all this stuff. Some of it is going to disappear in the middle of the night.

I am feeling out of sorts. I have been so tired that I really don't feel like doing anything. I just want to sleep. Hell, I can't even write anything interesting to read. Maybe it's just that my life is boring right now. Oh yeah, I'm happy and having fun, but everything is mixed up right now. I insisted that my parents take Shelby's bed while they are here, which means Shelby is sleeping with me and Slippy in our bed. It's a little crowded, but I just keep telling myself that everything will be back to normal on Sunday. Whatever normal is....

Well, as usual, I am dead tired and about to fucking fall asleep in the recliner. I guess I'll go squeeze into the bed and be kicked and punched by tiny hands and feet all night!

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