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03.23.02 | 2:59 p.m.
Fat Fridge!

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Well, the parents are gone. They went to my Grandmother's house in East Texas... we will see them again for Easter next weekend. It is so good to have baby girl back! Just hearing her laughter in the house is very comforting.

My parents are the best... they spent an insane amount of money at the grocery store as soon as they got here. $300 to be exact. I didn't know that I needed $300 worth of groceries, but apparently I did! My refrigerator has never looked so healthy. We have fruit of all kinds, meats, cheeses, milk, buttermilk... and my pantry won't hardly close from all the goodies stocked away in there. They even bought cleaning/laundry supplies and dog and cat food! It was nuts... we had two grocery carts full of stuff. It felt good to know we wouldn't be eating Ramen all next week!

I am sad they are gone, but it will be nice to let Shelby sleep in her bed tonight. My parents slept in her bed, and she slept with me and Slippy. It was crowded, but worth it to have her home!

Well, I am going to split. I need to finish reading the classifieds... I need a job in the worst way!

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