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03.27.02 | 9:44 a.m.
Happy Easter

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Well, I am off. Time to make the Easter trip to East Texas to see the family. And I leave in a pissy mood. I love leaving town fighting with my husband, but dammit, I am pissed off. He got an insurance check in the mail, and we need it in the bank really bad to pay bills. So what does he do this morning? Take it and stick it in his wallet so he can cash it and spend it while I am out of town. And he says I am irresponsible with money because I ran up the phone bill! He "needs" that money for the weekend. Yeah, because a couple of friends are coming into town and he is going to have to party with them. There's no telling what's going to transpire while I'm gone. But you know what? I don't give a shit. It's a horrible feeling to care less and less. It really is. And it's not that I am caring less about him, just what he does. I have tried to explain to him that some of his actions affect family life. And no, I'm not talking about anything horrendous here... just crap like staying up or out all night on a weekend and then sleeping all day the next day. It leaves me with our daughter all weekend, and him getting off responsibility-free. I hate that. Dammit, he wanted to get married and have a family, now he needs to act like it. Things were easier when I was on my own.

Oh well. I guess we will remain broke and continue to not pay the bills so he can have a good time this weekend. I will go sit at my Grandmother's house, spend time with family, participate in backyard fish fries, and prepare for the Easter Bunny. Sound fun? It will be... my family is good. I love 'em. And I love my husband too, I wish he would grow up in some aspects. Other than his few annoyances, he's a great guy. I know I never really get on here and bitch about him. There are several reasons for that. But I am tired of not being able to vent my feelings. I restrain myself because of so many people out there who know him or us read this diary. But fuck it. It's my diary... and he never reads it anymore. Fuck it if he does. We fight about these things on a weekly basis. He knows how I feel.

Anyway... I'm out. Off to Gilmer. Happy Easter everyone. Hope you get lots of chocolate! :)

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