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03.31.02 | 7:50 p.m.
Pity Party

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Easter is tomorrow. I will be spending it with out my husband. I guess I'm okay with that. I didn't really expect him to make it anyway. But I spoke with him tonight and I found out the main reason he didn't show up was because he didn't want to be around my family! I was so disappointed. I know Slippy doesn't like to be around my family. He is uncomfortable around them. My family is just as happy that he didn't come. I hate being right in the middle of it. I feel disapponted that he didn't come, but yet I am glad I don't have to hear any snide comments from my family. It sucks. But a lot of things suck...

SO I sat on my grandmother's bed and spoke to Slippy. I told him how I felt about things. I finally told him that I thought he had some priorities out of order. We fight every weekend. We fight during the week. We fight about stupid things that no one should fight about. But we do. I am so tired of it, that I have thought about taking a vacation to New York to stay with my parents for a while. I told Slippy tonight that I shouldn't have to take a vacation. I just want to be happy. BUt I am so unhappy... all the time. I am unhappy whenever I look in the mirror. I am unhappy whenever I check the bank balance. I am unhappy when Slippy and I fight. I am unhappy with myself, and everything else in my life... except my daughter. And my husband... for the most part. I love him so much.... I would give my last breath for him, but we have some issues. I beleive we can work through them. It will just take time. Life sucks right now with me not having a job and all. Money is tight and couples tend to fight during times like those. Slippy and I have always been determined not to let that happen to us, but it has.

Well, the power is about to go out. Another storm is moving through, and I doubt we will have electricity much longer. I need to wrap this damn pity party up anyway. I hope everyone has a great Easter. Spend it with your family, won't cha? :)

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