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04.08.02 | 1:52 a.m.
100 Things About Me- Part 2

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Here is Part 2 of "100 Things About Me"

35. When I was 13-14 I had some really good guy friends that lived in the next neighborhood over. On weekends, they would sneak out and come over to my house, and we would lay on blankets in my front yard and talk all night.

36. My mother knew of these occurances but never punished me because she secretly wanted me to date one of the guys.

37. In my freshman and sophmore years, my parents would drop me off at football games, and I would leave with my friends and go to parties.

38. At one of these parties, I was drunk and acting honory. A guy was trying to get me to leave with him and I refused. He slapped me three times across the face.

39. He got his ass kicked that night and again the next week when word got around school.

40. I was a hellion my Freshman year in high school.

41. When I was 13, I dated a 26 year old. My parents hated him and forbid me to see him.

42. Previously mentioned 26 year old came to see me every morning before school anyway.

43. I was thrown out of the back of a moving truck when the driver slammed on the brakes. I suffered a severe concussion but told my parents I fell down a hill. I was with above mentioned 26 year old at the time.

44. When I was 14, I dated an 18 year old that my mother adored.

45. She allowed us to fuck in the house while she was there. She acted oblivious to the whole thing.

46. I was stalked and threatened by abouve mentioned 18 year old's psycho ex-girlfriend the entire time we dated.

47. Above mentioned 18 year old later went to jail on drug charges.

48. Also when I was 14, I had a really good friend who lived down the street from me. He was 24. My mom also adored him.

49. One night, above mentioned 24 year old gave me Ecstacy. I had a blast. To this day, this is the first time I have ever told anyone... not even my husband. (sorry honey)

50. I once had a cat who was allergic to fleas. She was suffering and in pain, so I killed her by crushing up Tylenol PM and putting them in a can of tuna. I did this with above mentioned 24 year old.

51. My first concert occured when I was 15. I went with my friend who was 21. We went to see Bad Company and Lynard Skynard. He bought me a lot of beer and I went to school the next day hungover.

52. My second concert was a few weeks after that. I went with above mentioned 21 year old and saw Aerosmith and Megadeath.

53. I have seen over 100 bands in concert to date.

54. My favorite concert was Counting Crows. My now husband and I drove to Houston to see them. We both cried through the entire show because it was so powerful and moving.

55. I am listening to Counting Crows as I type this.

56. When I entered m junior year in high school I switched "groups."

57. I became "one of the theatre people." Everyone thought I was weird.

58. I am.

59. I used to wear baby powder onmy face to make it white, and I would heavily line my eyes in black eyeliner. I would then take the eyeliner and line my lips and fill them in with red lipstick.

60. I thought I was pretty this way and picked up a lot of guys that way.

61. The guys I did pick up were like me at the time. We were "eccentric" and liked to drink coffee and hang out in cemetaries at night.

62. I had sex a lot in cemetaries as well.

63. I have always lied about the number of people I have slept with. I chose a nice low number so I wouldn't seem like a slut to potential boyfriends if they ever asked.

64. I never told potential boyfriends about my threesomes.

65. I thought having sex meant I was loved. It was all part of my low self image.

66. I practiced S&M for a little while when I was 16. We would cut each other with razor blades during sex.

67. I only did this with one person.

68. When I was 16, I dated a guy who was 23. He had his own apartment, and he gave me key. It quickly became the place I hung out at with all my friends.

69. My relationship with above mentioned 23 year old ended when he told me he was bi-sexual. I was mad that he was not honest with me up front. For revenge, I took my fuck buddy to my ex's house and fucked in his bed. We came all over his sheets and pillows and then left.

70. I then threw the promise ring my above mentioned ex gave me in the trash.

71. Above mentioned ex hit on me at a gas station while I was wearing baby powder and black eyeliner.

72. I met the man who is now my husband when I was a senior in high school.

73. After 3 days of dating, we were looking for someone to marry two 17 year olds without parental consent.

74. I'm glad I didn't marry him then.

75. I left for Texas Tech University after on three months of dating him. He bought me a promise ring before I left.

76. I graduated a year before my husband, so at the end of my year at Tech, I came home for his senior prom.

77. It was the first prom I had ever attened with a date. I had always gone with friends. It was more fun that way.

78. I got pregnant the night of his prom.

79. I didn't know I was pregnant for two months. During this time I partied, drank, and dropped acid at a Ministry concert.

80. Everytime I have tried acid, it has been bunk. I told the doctor anyway... just in case.

81. When I found out about being pregnant, I immediatly started seeing a doctor. I told him about the drugs in case something was wrong with my baby.

82. When my daughter was born, she had to wear a bag to collect her urine for drug testing.

83. My heart was broken over this and I have never felt so guilty in all my life.

84. I did nothing else wrong after finding out I was pregnant. My daughter was born perfect and healthy.

85. Since deciding to have my daughter, I decided I had better make something of myself. I worked full time and went to school full time.

86. In May 2000, I graduated with a Double Associate's Degree in Psychology and General Studies.

87. My daughter got to attend my first college graduation and she told me she was proud of me.

88. I want to go back to school very badly to get my Bachelor's Degree.

89. I haven't decided if I want to go into Architechture or Interior Design.

90. I am an excellent cabinet designer.

91. I am very passionate about Interior Design.

92. I get offended when people think Interior Design is the same as Interior Decorating.

93. When I was little I wanted to be a singer. I took voice lessons and had an 8 octave range.

94. I fucked up my future singing career when I started smoking when I was 13.

95. I used to go to church when I was young. My mother was Southern Baptist.

96. When I was 11 or 12, I started listening to the sermon in church and hating what I heard.

97. I have been agnostic ever since.

98. My mother still blames my father for my lack of religion. She cannot fathom that I made the decision on my own.

99. In high school, my nickname was "Phrog." When I was 18, I got a tatoo of a frog on my ankle.

100. I am fucked up in the head.

There it is... a bunch of sick twisted things about me. You'll never look at me the same now, will you?

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