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04.16.02 | 3:37 p.m.
Plants, Lightening and eBay

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I am managing to kill perhaps the world's heartiest plants. My little bamboo is failing to thrive. Maybe because I haven't watered it? What is it with me and plants? When we got our newt, I picked out some lovely plastic plants for the aquarium because I knew I couldn't keep real ones alive. Now here's the weird one: In 1998 I bought an ivy for my desk. That damn thing is still alive! I prune it, water it, give it Miracle grow... I baby that damn thing! When I bought it, my dad told me that everyone at my office would laugh at me when I had to replace that plant every two weeks. Well, four years later, it is still here. Plants. I love them... but I kill them. I bought catnip and a clay pot the other day. I have no potting soil so I can't plant the seeds. And then, Slippy bought a container of cat grass the other night. It currently resides on my bar. The seeds are on top of the soil! At least I know that you have to cover the seeds with soil! Well, if anyone has any pointers, like dear Ara, please let me know. I want a green thumb. I want a garden one day, but I know I'll never be able to grow anything but this damn ivy!

The storms all blew over. I sat in front of the window last night and watched an amazing electrical storm. It was beautiful. There was no rain, and no thunder... just gorgeous cloud-to-cloud lightening. There is an enormous Oak tree across the street from me, and I watched the lightening through the branches. It almost looked like a ballet.

Well, I am out. Enough play for one day. I need to get some laundry done, find out why Baby Girl is screaming at the TV, and list some more stuff on eBay. Anyone looking for cool stuff/junk? Check out my auctions on eBay. My user name is shelsmom!

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