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04.16.02 | 8:56 p.m.
Thrifty shopping and deep conversations

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

I had a very good day. Loo-Loo and I went Goodwilling and Thrift Shopping. It was a blast. I was looking for crap to sell on eBay, but I didn't really find much. The second store we went to closed five minutes after we got there, so I didn't get a chance to look around. But it was a bad ass thrift shop... I will have to go back.

After the thrift shop, Loo-Loo and Baby Girl and I went down off Cedar Springs and had dinner. If any of you are familiar with Dallas, you probably know that the Cedar Springs area is prodominatly a gay area. I had a beautiful and deep conversation with Baby Girl about Gays and Lesbians over dinner. I was so proud of her! She listened and understood when I told her that we should never ever judge someone for who they love. I just explained to her how some women love other women and some men love other men. She just looked at me and said "Oh! Cool!" I was so happy. A lot of my friends are gay. I am so into gay rights, it's not even funny. I would march in a gay pride march if one of my friends asked me to. I want Baby Girl to be as open minded as me. The only way to do that is to talk to her about things and explain things to her. Maybe some people would disagree, but you know what I have to say to them? Piss off... this is not your child!

Heh. So anyway, I am out. I am going to go eBay some more. What a junkie I am!

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