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04.17.02 | 7:03 p.m.
When I grow up- tales of Baby Girl

Little Abby
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Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Baby Girl informed me that she wanted to be a cook in a restaraunt and make beautiful food when she grows up. I told her that was called a Culinary Artist and that there were special schools she could go to to learn how. She decided that was too much work so she would just be a Mommy instead! Hah! I told her being a Mommy was harder than any school she could go to, or any job she could choose. She obviously was not aware of that fact! But she decided that being a Mommy was just fine with her, and that one day her child could be in her wedding. That's when I also had to explain that her Daddy and I had kinda done things backwards. Fact number two that she was not aware of.

Kids are hilarious. I sometimes wonder what is truely going through her mind. Other times, I know. Like today in the car, she informed Loo-Loo and I that she had an invisible watch that she could use to talk to her friends. She said that people would probably just think she was talking to her hand, but she was really takling into her invisble watch. She then proceeded to carry on an entire conversation, that was only interrupted by me telling her to cut it out!

Well, I need to supervise the picking up of the 1200 piece tub of Legos. Ta-ta...

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