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04.21.02 | 10:15 a.m.
New schedule, new life

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The weekend issue has been resolved. Some of you who know me know that i hate weekends simply because Slippy and I seem to fight every weekend. We had a long talk Saturday night as we partook of a certain "fungus" and resolved our problems. It took a while to get to the heart of the matter, but we got there! I had to finally admit that I am suffering from severe depression. Slippy had to admit that some of his actions weren't helping my problem. I have agreed to seek the help of a doctor, and Slippy had offered his total support in whatever I need. Our biggest problem is our lack of a schedule. We go to bed whenever, we wake up whenever... the weekends are worse. We don't spend quality time together as a family. So Slippy worked out a rigid schedule, and I think it is going to work great. Sunday through Thursday, all guests must leave by 10pm. That way we can be in bed by 10:30-11:00pm. We all wake at 7:30am. We had a family meeting last night to discuss all this with Baby Girl, and she seemed fine with it. We all got up early this morning. Okay, so I kinda layed in bed until 7:45, but I was awake! Slippy is determined to make us a stronger closer family, and I couldn't be happier!

The point is is that we are working on our problems as a family instead of just continuing to fight about it. We are already feeling better, functioning better, being more affectionate, and spending more time as a family together.

And on that note, I have to say that I do not understand why mushrooms are illegal!

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