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04.30.02 | 10:27 p.m.
Stepped Out

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

What an emotionally taxing few days this has been. I do not have the liberty of going into detail, nor would I if I felt I could. It's a matter of privacy and respect. However, I do need to say this: Crackbaby and LittleAbby... I couldn't have made it, especially through today, if it weren't for the two of you. You have helped and comforted me more than you will ever know.

My brain is fuzzy, and my eyes hurt. I have a migrain from hell. I need sleep and lots of it. I need rest, and relaxation, and I need to de-stress. I need a hug. I need to cry and cry, yet if I did, I have no idea where the tears would even come from. I need a dark, quiet little hole to crawl into, or maybe even a cozy rock to crawl under. I need to talk about it, yet there is nothing more that can be said. I need a kiss from my wonderful husband and to hear his voice. I need him by my side tonight when I collapse into bed, exhausted and crying. I know he needs me too, but he also needs what he is doing. Things will be better after all this. I can look forward to the future and say without a doubt that things will be better. I am proud of him, and I love him more than anything.

I am going to take a short vacation. I need to find myself and my sanity.

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