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04.29.01 | 7:17 p.m.
A personal letter

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If I had wanted to pick a fight with you, I would have picked a fucking fight. As it was, it was simply you unleashing your self-hatred. It is not my fault that you hate certain things about yourself. It's not my fault that run from your problems. I have only tried to help in every way I know how.

You mask your feelings so you don't have to deal with them. You run. And then, it gets to be too much and they all come flooding out. It's not healthy, and it's ruining our relationship. I do and do and do for you. I give in to you. You do whatever you want whenever you want. I stay home. I cook and clean and do all the laundry, like a good little house-wife should. And that's not me. That is not who I am. I hate being home, not working... I feel isolated. I don't go out and see my friends. If my friends want to see me they come to me. It's all because someone has to be home with the child. It's always me. Always. And yet, you say I don't repect you? I am confused. How the fuck do I not respect you? When was the last time I called you a fucking cunt, or called you a worthless bitch, or told you that you were a failure? Never. Are you sure you aren't talking about you? I am none of those things, yet they spill out of your mouth like you have no control. Maybe you don't. And I feel sorry for you. I would hate to know that I was hurting someone I love with words like that.

And I have heard them so much lately, that I actually started to believe them! But I realized that I am not worthless, and I am not a failure. I have come a long way with my life, and I did it without you. The things I have done have been my accomplishments, and no one else's. Sure, I don't have a Bachelor's from MIT or any other Ivy League school, but you know what? I am proud of the obstacles I have overcome. I picked myself up and made something of myself when I got pregnant and had to be a single mom. I know people do it everyday, but it doesn't make it any less of an accomplishment.

The point is this: You have people in your life so you can enhance your life. I can make it without you, I just don't want to. I can go on, and work and raise my child. I can buy her a car when she's sixteen and send her off to college. I can nuture and support her in everything she does. I can be there when she cries. I can cry tears of joy with her when she reaches her goals. I can be mommy and daddy. I have done it before. But we made a pact. We spoke our vows in front of friends and family. Till death do us part. And I plan to stick to that. Those were not random words that society says you have to say to be married. They are a promise, and a committment. I take them very seriously and I live by them everyday. The ring on my finger is not just a pretty diamond, but rather a constant reminder of the promise I made. But it takes two. A marriage is nothing when only one is involved. Realize what you have before it's too late. I think it's too special to give up.

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