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05.23.02 | 10:59 a.m.
Groups of weirdos

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Okay... I have to admit I was wrong about the snobby grocery store. They seemed to be really cool people! The interview was extremely interesting. I have never participated in a group interview and even if I had, I doubt it would have been like this one.

When we first got in there, they had a little buffet set up with meats and cheeses and breads and fruits. We made us a plate and sat down to watch a video. After the video, we were given pom-poms, pipe cleaners, construction paper, glue, glitter, etc. and told to "make an application." You should have seen the shit people came up with! It was hilarious! Then, we went into another room and made apple displays, then we had to identify 20 random items in bowls. During the identification, we were called out one by one to go to another section where we had to choose one product and then we had 15 seconds to sell it. After that, we all sat down as a group and answered very non-traditional interview questions. After all of this, we waited to see who got jobs.

I was offered a position as cashier, because the section I wanted was full. But they told me thay would move me as soon as they could. They are also starting me at a higher pay rate than other cashiers. Why... I don't know. But, since it's the only job offer I have, I have no choice but to take it.

Oh well. Things will get better. Hopefully.

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