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05.26.02 | 6:34 p.m.
Getting Better?

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Up and down and up and down and down, down, down, and then up again.

Story of my life. I swear... it been an emotional rollercoaster for me. I stress about everything, all the time. I stress about money (who doesn't) and I stress about when my husband gets out of bed. I stress about what time he goes to sleep. I stress about rent. I stress when I don't have anything to stress over. I get worried when things get too good. Not that they have been lately.

But I am once again up because I just found out that Slippy's unemployment went through. We should receive the check in time to pay rent, and we will even have a little left over. Am I stressing over this? Of course! I am worried that the check won't get here on time. Dammit. I hate worrying.

On to other things... I had a pretty decent weekend. Slippy and I joined Crackbaby over a friend's house last night for a barbeque. It was good. At first, I was a little annoyed. I was tired and the music was so loud that I couldn't talk to anyone. So, I sat silently against the wall and observed. Slippy took this to mean that I was pissed off, which I was not! So, he asked if I wanted to go home and I told him no. I didn't want to ruin his fun, and I told him that. Well he stressed out over this for a while until we finally had a talk about it. I think all of us are a little on-edge lately. There was really no reason for last night to turn into the scene it did, even though it was only in front of Crackbaby.

Oh well. At least things are starting to look up a little. The bottom of the barrel seems a little farther away.

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