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09.10.02 | 10:31 p.m.
Campy and Silly= Farting

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

We had a blast today... after work, Slippy and I headed over tot he campsite where my parents have set up camp for a couple of days and ate dinner with them. After dinner, Baby Girl and I walked to the lake shore and fed the ducks left over hamburger buns. It was so peaceful watching the sunset over the mountains, reflecting in the lake. We left my parents at the campsite, where we ventured home for a few days of solitude. It will nice to have them out of the house for a while. It's tough sometimes being back with mom and dad!

On the way home, Baby Girl informed us that she had a boyfriend. Slippy and I started giving her a hard time. We told her that her boyfriend had to come over and have a talk with Slippy and "be a man." Then she started making farting noises on her arm, so we all reverted to childhood and joined her. Slippy and I laughed so hard... I nearly peed myself. :)

In other news, Baby Girl started Kindergarten last week! She is a big girl now. She loves school and is having a great time. I am the class room mother... I can't wait to start planning those parties and field trips! Yay! I am also going to get Baby Girl enrolled in Girl Scouts, and I am going to volunteer to be a Scout Leader Assistant... that way I can be totally involved in her Girl Scout experience. Let's all hope she likes it... it may too "girly" for her tastes. Baby Girl is very much the tomboy!

Well, I know it seems early, but I am tired, considering I get up at 6:30 every morning. And I have to do it again in the morning... it's a school day! :)

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