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10.29.02 | 1:16 p.m.
Do Texans freeze in snow? You bet your ass they do!

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Wow. Long time. When life seems dull, it seems pointless to write about it. But I guess in some respects, life is not dull. It's October, and I have already seen a good 4" of snow. That's more than Texas gets in a whole winter. I know I am doomed, because I keep freezing my ass off, and I did a happy dance when the snow finally melted yesterday. I have been told to be prepared, because once the snow comes, it doesn't melt until April. Fucking April! Can you believe that shit?

Now, I know some person is reading this, and laughing. But for your information, I am from the South. I grew up in Texas, and I have never really experienced real snow. By real snow I mean snow that covers everything and life goes on. When it snowed up here the other day, I thought, "Christ... I won't be able to go anywhere today!" That is the Texan in me. Life went on. No one really gave the snow a second look. I was amazed, and kept running outside to eat it! I kept thinking about all the things that would be closed in Texas in this kind of snow. It's unreal sometimes... but I know I will get used to it.

I am bored. Slippy is at work, Shelby is at school, and my parents went to Glens Falls. I am all alone in the house, and I am bored off my ass. If I wasn't running the Motel right now, I would be upstairs in my cubby hole working with QuickBooks. Slippy asked me last night to get the books up to date on our company, so I happily took on the task. That ass actually expected me to do books without all the receipts! How the hell? I did the best I could, and I hope it's right. And if it's not? Well, I would say that it's not my problem, but it really is.

Well, I will attempt to find something constructive to do...

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