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12.22.02 | 10:35 p.m.
I hate assholes

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Wanna know what I think is extremely pathetic? People who have such boring lives and/or low self-esteem that they have to criticize other people.

I have this leech who keeps coming here to my diary... they apparently don't like the fact that I said "fuck" in an entry. So, they went into my guestbook, and wrote me an entry, which quoted my offending entry (they are not original enough to come up with something to say on their own) and then questioned my professionalism.

Now, maybe I should clear something up right now. This diary is not part of my professional persona. This is me... Chodagirl. Let my hair down Chodagirl. Don't give a giddy-goddamn Chodagirl. You get the point, I'm sure. As far as I am concerned, this diary is a free-form vent channel. I don't appreciate people judging me on my entries.

Okay... getting off the subject. So, anyway, I deleted thier entry, and went on with my life, because quite frankly, I don't give a fuck about this person or their opinions. But now, they have come back and signed my guestbook, again! Jesus Christ! This person really has no social life!

I did not delete it this time... I have responded to it... twice, I might add, in an attempt to shut this person up. This little person, one of no life or esteem, who must belittle me to get their rocks off.


How fucking retarded this has become. So, there... there is your little response. I have officially taken time out of my wonderful life to personally respond to you. Happy? Or is your life still pathetic and miserable?

Anyone who wishes to join me in a giant Chodagirl "FUCK OFF" may do so!

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