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02.16.03 | 11:10 p.m.
Feel the beat of my... oh my!

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

DJ Butthole and the X-Pluggers

I feel pain... all over...

I was browsing eBay for music. I am going through withdrawl, and I need a fix of some new music. Do you think I could find anything? Nope. I did find Tunnel Trance Force Vols. 1-1,000,000, but alas, they are over thirty dollars each, and my can't afford that. So I am forced to look at listings where people claim that "Mtv Party To Go" albums are "the bomb." They said it... not me!

It's disgusting. I miss the Napster/Cable Modem combo. And yes, I would like to supersize that, thank you very much. Dial-up sucks. The mountains suck. Being stuck in BFE with all your old techno and no good way to purchase new really sucks. So here it is... my favor to all my lovely Diaryland friends, because you know I love you all very much:

If anyone knows a link or two to purchase good, and I mean good, trance music, please let me know. And anyone with a burner who has some great shit that would want to burn a cd... e-mail me.

Ah... desperation.

Smells like chicken. ;) I wish...

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