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03.31.04 | 8:47 a.m.

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

You ever feel like posting an entry, but once you get there, everything just goes flooding out of your mind? I guess this nifty banner ad I am looking at caught my attention. I am like a 2-year old today... very easily distracted.

I am supposed to be getting ready for work. Once again... distracted. I have half of my makeup on... yep... distracted. What the hell is the deal? I can usually complete a simple task. I have a lot on my mind today, and for the past few days.

I was on Yahoo!Messenger the other day, and Slippy IMed me. This was fine... we chat often. He stated that he was waiting for his ride to show up so they could go do laundry and have dinner. I happen to know that his "ride" is actually the girl he has been dating. And that's cool. I am honestly happy for him. However... he decides to invite me to see his webcam. I accept, hoping to catch a glimps of his adorable kitten, Teva. Shortly after that, he annouces his "ride" is there, and he is obviously interacting with someone.

How obvious is this? He turned on the webcam so I could see his interactions and be jealous! Ha! I started laughing as all of this hit me like a ton of bricks. He actually thinks I care! Now, I know what you are saying... "If you didn't care you wouldn't be writing all of this." Fuck you because you are absolutely right. I do care. It's hard to think of him with someone else... but considering that was the whole reason for the divorce... it does not make me jealous. Sure, there's that strange feeling that says "he was supposed to pine away for me at least a little but longer!"

But hey... I've moved on, so why can't he?

Slippy... I'm happy for you man! Just don't be so fucking obvious next time! Heh.

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