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08.29.02 | 10:25 a.m.
Splish Splash

Little Abby
Suck Ass Poems

Make mine Porn!
Oral Sex Donations Accepted Neko

Damn... the weekend is over. Yes, I know it's Thursday, but it was my Sunday. Slippy and I have Wednesdays and Thursdays off from work. We obviously look forward to them! Yesterday, we took Baby Girl to a local water park. We had a blast! We slid down the slides, took a lazy ride around the moat on rafts, and then we headed over to the wave pool. That was probably my favorite! Baby Girl wouldn't venture out into the deep end, even with me holding her, but she stayed in the shallow and spashed in the waves while Slippy and I went to the deep end and horsed around.

When we left the Splashwater Kingdom, we went over to one of the lake cruises for the evening "Kid's Cruise." After the boat gets going out on the lake, each kid gets an opportunity to drive the boat, and afterwards they get a Junior Captian's License. Baby Girl was so adorable... and she did a good job driving, too! Maybe she got my driving skills instead of Slippy's! :)

I wish today had a been a lazy relaxing day, but instead I did house work and laundry. Joy. I am tired to say the least... I think I will slip into the freshly laundered sheets. Mmmmm....Yummy.

Only 35 more days until the Counting Crows concert in Troy, NY!

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