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03.05.04 | 6:59 a.m.
Freaks in Dresses

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chip2iron: I am 5'10 135 brown hair green eyes

toodatat: I am 5'6, blonde hair and blue eyes

toodatat: a lady never tell her weight

toodatat: lol

chip2iron: I guess you don't like me since I am thin

toodatat: what in the world makes you say that?

chip2iron: Is it ok I am thin?

chip2iron: I think you sound hottoodatat: have you seen my profile?

chip2iron: yes

toodatat: ok

toodatat: just wondering

toodatat: :)

chip2iron: Is it ok I am thin?

toodatat: yes

toodatat: so what made you want to chat with me today?

chip2iron: ok :)...My name is Chip, by the way

toodatat: I am so far away!

chip2iron: so you want me to leave you alone

toodatat: I didn't say that... I was just wondering

chip2iron: I would come there

toodatat: most people look for someone who is close

toodatat: have you ever been to NY?

chip2iron: What is your name?

chip2iron: No, but I want to

toodatat: I live about 5-6 hours from NY City

toodatat: I am up in the mountains!

chip2iron: What is your name?

toodatat: I moved here from Dallas, TX about 2 years ago

toodatat: My name is Renee

chip2iron: Nice to meet you Renee

toodatat: :)

toodatat: nice to meet you too, Chip

chip2iron: Would you make a guy dress as a girl if he lost a bet to you?

toodatat: no

toodatat: I would not have ever thought to do that

chip2iron: so you are scared to

toodatat: is it something that happens to you often?

chip2iron: what?

toodatat: having to dress as a girl? Happen often?

toodatat: lol

chip2iron: I haven't ever had to

toodatat: that was just a very odd question

chip2iron: sorry

toodatat: would you like to dress as a girl?

chip2iron: so you want me to leave you alone

toodatat: I could give you a few pointers

chip2iron: you could give me a few pointers?

toodatat: yeah... fashion tips and such

chip2iron: would you go with me?

toodatat: go with you where?

chip2iron: anywhere in public?

toodatat: dressed as a woman?

toodatat: sure... why not

chip2iron: you would?

toodatat: sure... as long as I could dress as a man

chip2iron: ok..I would help you get dressed

toodatat: cool

chip2iron: what would you dress me in?

toodatat: mind if I wear a strap-on so I could really feel like a man?

chip2iron: yes you could wear a strap-on and a cup

toodatat: nah... no cup.. I prefer to free fall

toodatat: could I whip my "schlong" out in public?

chip2iron: so, what would you dress me in?

toodatat: sequins

toodatat: blue sequins

chip2iron: if you wanted to you could

chip2iron: are you serious about this?

toodatat: are you?

chip2iron: yes I am

toodatat: why?

chip2iron: I guess you aren't serious

chip2iron: atleast I was honest

chip2iron: see

toodatat: you know... it's customary to get to know someone before you bring stuff like this up

chip2iron: so you lied

toodatat: it scares people off

toodatat: yeah I lied, you freaky little man!

chip2iron: I must be the only person who doesn't lie on here

toodatat: no... you are not the only one

chip2iron: you obviously lied

toodatat: yeah

toodatat: so?

chip2iron: so I am the only honest person here

toodatat: you think I am going to let some cross-dressing weirdo come up here and meet me and my daughter?

toodatat: we would probably wind up dead!

How fun is it to fuck with people??? I love it!

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