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03.12.04 | 2:48 p.m.
What once was a bitch turned into a whine

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My obsessions are back in full force. I have, literally, 5 different kinds of tooth bleaching apparatus in my bathroom. And yes, I use them. My teeth are so damn white, that the shade is not even on the "color scale" that came with one of my kits! But yet, I keep going... they just aren't white enough. I am probably eroding every molecule of enamel off of each tooth, and I will proably wind up with dentures by the time I am 30. But hell, at least with dentures I can take them out and put 'em in real bleach! heh

My manicure is perfect, I have no dark roots, my eyebrows are perfectly shaped and bleached to match my hair. Sheesh. All this for this tiny podunk town with no men. Oh well. That's life I suppose. That's the life of coming from a big city where you couldn't make it, to a place like this. The sad thing is... this place really has a few decent opportunities. All you have to do is find them. Sure, you have to look a little, but it's not real hard. I feel so bad sometimes for Slippy. I feel so bad that he never really looked for his opportunites. He never used this place to start over like I did.

He laughs because he thinks I will be here forever. But I know I won't. This town is a landing pad... a place to get on my feet, get out of debt, restore my credit, and then jump real high and fly to the next adventure. It's true that I don't know waht that next adventure will be, but that's why it's called an adventure. Life would be boring if we always knew what was coming. But he never opend his eyes. He never looked ahead, even slightly, to see that he was on the wrong path. Why is it that he couldn't just work hard for what he wanted, instead of expecting that the "easy way" would be handed to him! Drugs are never the easy way, although it may seem like it at the time. Drugs are fine for some people at certain times. Hell, I did 'em. But the key is to tell yourself that when the time comes, you will put it all down and walk away. And when that time comes, that's exactly what you do. But what about those people who cannot control themselves? What about those with powerful addictions? It's so easy to sit where I am and say, "You should have done...(insert action here)." But I'm smart enough to know that it's not that easy.

I guess what I want Slippy to know is that I hate this. I hate this whole situation. And if I contributed to your downfall in ANY way, I am truely very sorry. I hate that we had that argument the other day... this is not how I want this to be. I do not hate you. I never have and I never will. But I have to live for me now. And us together is not what either of us needs, although you may feel differently. If it's not right for one, it's not right for both. I am still devistated by all that has happened. But I do not wish ill will on you. I want nothing more than for you to have a wonderful positive life. What if something happened to one of us today? I would hate to think that our last words were "fuck you!" So, I am apologizing, albiet publically, for my childish behavior the other day. In time, I feel that we can overcome some of this shit and develop a positive relationship... at least I hope we can. But it will take both of us...

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